Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Walker Mech

                                       My reference so I can do my model.

                                                  My texture reference.

For this project I'm gonna do something that I've never done only in a week and a half. I'm going to do an entire model in 3D, UV and texture it. So I'm going to prove myself that I can do this. I'm going to push myself to the limit. I will post the rough draft of what I'm doing and when I'm done.

Day 1

I found a lot of reference and I had some textures that could help me to finish my project. So far as I know, the artist of this walker is Mike Doscher. He has his own blog at http://mikedoscher.blogspot.com/ and his own web page. http://www.doscher-design.com/
I like the way he creates the environment and some hard surfaces, so if you like the way I'm modeling his walker gunner go and see for your self where I got the reference.

In 12 Days I was able to model this based on the images and here is my result of the model. The first 3 days I really didn't know what to do. I was scared and nervous because this was the first time I modeled a hard surface and it looks like a Transformer. But after I sat down with my professor and explained that really didn't know what to do, he showed me some techniques and I started from there. And I finally finished, I'm so happy and glad that I finished and finished it in time.

Before The Editing

After Editing

Final Color Map

Final Speculate Map

The Model

Color Map


Speculate Map


Render Views

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Buoy Texture

Final Buoy After Editing

This Buoy was modeled by Joe Gardner. But I did the UV and textured it. The Model has 2677 faces, and it took me four days and nights. And this is the Final Buoy with all the editing that I needed.

Color Map

Speculate Map

Normal Map



3D Views After Editing

Final Buoy Before
This Buoy was the original Buoy that I had, but after I got evaluated I changed it to a cleaner and nicer texture.


Color Map

Speculate Map


Normal Map

3D Model Views